The Bail Post
What do we know about criminal justice reforms or bail reform? How do we evaluate whether reforms are helping or making the situation worse? How can we take politics out of criminal justice and focus on public safety? The Bail Post seeks to be a place where legislators and the public can educate themselves on a host of criminal justice/bail reform issues. With various attempts at criminal justice reform from New York to Texas to California, many people are confused as to what is working and what is not. With the passage of time, more and more data is coming to light over what successful reform looks like and what reforms have been found to not be working. The rise in violent crime across the country has been startling and law makers and the public alike are desperate to find legislation that is effective. Some might ask whether some of the reforms making the situation worse? The Bail Post is an on-going discussion that seeks to cut to the core to provide education on the various issues raised and to highlight what successful criminal justice reform looks like and what measures have been disastrous. Join us and educate yourself about the best practices that jurisdictions must implement to keep their communities safe, while ensuring fairness to defendants. As a someone said recently "Public safety is the foundation of a society. Without public safety we do not have a society."
If you would like to listen other episodes of The Bail Post you can find a subject matter index of the different episodes at- https://pbtx.blogspot.com/p/subject-index-to-bail-post-podcasts.html.
The host is Ken W. Good; an attorney in Tyler, Texas who has been licensed for over 30 years. He has argued cases before the Supreme Court of Texas and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Mr. Good has written a book on bail called "Goods On Bail." He has also has had numerous papers published on Criminal Justice Reform issues. Mr. Good is a board member of PBT and serves on the legislative committee. Mr. Good is married and has two daughters.
Episode No. 63- Selling Out Public Safety One District Attorney at a Time with Guest Eric Granof

Episode No. 62- How Cartels Are Taking Over the Legal Drug Trade With Guest Daniel Greenfield

Episode No. 61- United States v. Lozier- Recovery Agent Conviction Reversed With Guest Cal Williams

Episode No. 60- Conquering the Digital Beast with Guest McLennan County District Clerk Jon Gimble

Episode No. 59- Captira's Data Breach and Other Issues With the New PBUS President David Stuckman

Episode No. 58- D.A. Kim Ogg Tells All- Progressive Lies, Political Agendas and Increasing Crime

Episode No. 57- Limiting Chaos Regarding Charitable Bail Funds With Guest Mike Whitlock and Eric Granof

Episode 56- How the California Dream Turned Into Nightmare With Guest Retired Chief Patrick Jordan

Episode No. 55- New York's Deal With the Devil Over Recidivism With Guest Jim Quinn

Episode No. 54- The Causes of Crime and How to Deter it With Guest Dr. Jennifer Wooldridge

Episode No. 53: How Bail Reform Failures are Harming Domestic Violence Survivors with Guest Angeline Constantinou

Episode No. 52- The Legacy of Daves v. Dallas County

Episode No. 51- Meet Hidalgo County Sheriff Eddie Guerra

Episode No. 50: What PBT Does For the Bondsmen of Texas With Guest Irma Montemayor

Episode No. 49: Russell v. Harris County- A Case Study

Episode No. 48- Bexar County Clerk Lucy Adame-Clark

Episode No. 47- Illinois and the SAFE T Act

Episode No. 46- What If The Narrative of Systemic Racism is All Wrong with Guest David Zimmer

Episode No. 45- David vs Goliath: The Great Debate With Civil Rights Corps

Episode No. 44- The Inside Scoop About Texas Bail Bond Boards With Guests Ethel Segura and Michelle Turner

Episode No. 43- Playing the Numbers Game with Guest The Honorable Judge Tim O'Hare

Episode No. 42- Bail Litigation- A Tale of Two Counties With Guest Sheriff Matt Gentry

Episode No. 41- Has California Reached a Breaking Point With Guest Anne Marie Schubert

Episode No. 40- Lessons Learned One Year Under SB 6 with Guest The Honorable Tamara Tinney

Episode No. 39- The Texas Legislative Session "That Was, That Is and That Will Be" With Guest Scott Walstad